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Saturday, September 19, 2020

are you prepared? just getting started, or still in the dark stages?

Are you really prepared? 
Alot of folks still think US conspiracy theorist are just that,  funny how allll things we've tried to enlighten you with,  you laughed & said we are the crazy ones.  
Well I think more ppl are waking up buttt there are still soooo much of the masses that are still soooo in the dark about things.  U know,  I thought we had at least another 5 yrs left before they hit us wit the lockdowns, taking away our constitutional rights, wanting & demanding total control of every single little thing in all of our lives.  more than you could ever imagine.  
But the masses fell into COMPLIANCE soo quickly, they didn't even have to give them actual facts for them to believe in this entire madness.  
There are people walking around with masks on their faces because the someone on the tv that they never met before,  told them tooo. 
Now they live in complete FEAR about a virus out there that "COULD" kill them.  
Nobody should live their lives in fear, we are free as a human birthright.  
For the 1s who are in fear... 

I cannot play God for myself nor anyone else.  I cannot determine when God decides it's MY TIME.  I am on GOD'S TIME.  
when you can learn to understand that completely, you will not have any fear of a virus, or anything else that is going on in the world around you. You will be able to disconnect from the world to sit with self & connect with YOUR GOD.

Your own intuition,  your inner being,  voice, soul.  find your peace in a crowded room, or the middle of the dessert. inner peace doesn't care where you are,  set yourself aside if you have to for 10 minutes,  just to be alone in silence with YOU,  YOURSELF & YOUR GOD! 

repeat this with me...
I am happy,  healthy,  wealthy,  & wise.  
great day folks...
peace and blessings to you alllll 

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